With Mother’s Day behind us, it’s time for dads to take center stage on the parental performance. Don’t take the easy road with another tie or set of tongs – give him something for his teeth! Why?
Compared to women men are:
• Less likely to brush their teeth twice a day
• Less likely to brush their teeth after every meal
• More likely to develop gum disease
• More likely to develop oral cancer
Dad can benefit from grin-enhancing gifts, but does he actually want them? The answer is yes.
Here are 3 unconventional gifts that your dad wants and his smile needs:
1. Electronic Grill Tool
If the dad in your life is a barbeque boss, he probably has a surplus of grilling goods. The charcoal king is ruler to another grill – his teeth. And, a recent survey revealed 29% of dads want electronics for Father’s Day. Make his smile as healthy as it is handsome with an electric toothbrush.
2. Dad-Inspired DIY
¼ of fathers want to receive something homemade. So, why not make him a manly (and eco-friendly) mouthwash dispenser? Reuse a cleaned bottle of his favorite liquor or other re-usable container.
3. Father Family Time
The man of the house can’t smile without the members of his household. And, believe it or not, dad wants quality time more than any other gift. An overwhelming 57% of fathers want to do something special and simple – to spend the day with their families. Now that’s a statistic worth smiling about!
We hope the dads in your life have a fantastic Father’s Day!