Recognize this short list of smart strategies?
• Arrive at the DMV the minute it opens.
• Buy next year’s holiday decorations the day after Christmas.
• Cook meals in bulk and freeze the rest.
Well, here’s another life hack: Schedule a dentist appointment this summer. Summer break is the prime time to send every family member to the dentist. Why?
It’s easy.
Your summer schedule may be filled with camps and sports, but it’s more open than other times of the year. And, less chaos equals more time. Your kids won’t miss school and you won’t miss work.
Tip: Does your child start the school year at a different time than most? Avoid the back-to-school rush – book the appointment around other schools’ start sessions.
It’s satisfying.
We all know how good it feels to cross one more errand off our to-do list. And while you’re at it, schedule any other routine appointments you or your family may need.
It’s air-conditioned.
In case you forgot, the dentist’s office is crisp, cool and 100% air-conditioned. Take a break from the heat for some dentistry A/C. Sit back, relax and enjoy your frosty check-up. You might not be on the beach, but much like the Caribbean ocean, your smile will be crystal clear.
After you’re done at the dentist, remember to schedule another check-up for 6 months later. Have a smile-filled, stress-free summer!