The food choices at holiday parties can be overwhelming. What’s best for your waistline? What’s healthy for your teeth and what’s not? Take our choose this/not that quiz. If you’re trying to avoid staining your teeth, do you drink red or white wine? Choose This: White wine. … [Read more...]
Sweet Treats to Skip
The old adage “too much of a good thing” is never more true than during the holiday season. There tends to be an overabundance of everything – especially sweet treats. While it’s impractical to suggest complete avoidance of holiday goodies, Delta Dental encourages moderation to … [Read more...]
Crazed for Caffeine – Coffee, Tea and Energy Drinks
As the world turns faster, people are feeling the pressure of trying to keep up with the Jones’. Work never seems to end and days are getting longer. How are people coping with the new busy lifestyle of the 21st century? Caffeine… and lots of it! Now, it is not caffeine that … [Read more...]
Dental Bites – Good and Bad Food for Your Teeth
If you’re anything like me, you want your smile to impress someone upon first meeting. You have your morning toothbrush routine, and even sometimes freshen up your look by whitening. But have you ever considered that what you eat may have as big of an impact on your smile as … [Read more...]
Beat Bad Breath
Poor dental hygiene is one of those tricky social conundrums that people struggle to address. A bad smell is a personal problem and strangers probably shouldn't get involved, but sometimes one wonders if the guilty even know of their slight problem. Sometimes you have to stop and … [Read more...]