Brushing may be as simple as “Do, re, mi,” but many people are still doing it incorrectly. Forget reading, writing and arithmetic (for now). We’re ‘gonna teach you how to get an A (in brushing). It’s as easy as… A. A toothbrush and toothpaste Start your routine with a … [Read more...]
“Will you be my Valentine?” XOXO, Your Teeth
The 14th is near and love is in the air But where will you go and what will you wear? While you make your plans final for a night full of fun Get a head start on your smile for that special someone. A healthy smile doesn’t happen overnight. If you’ve been lazy with your … [Read more...]
Let Go of Winter Mouth Woes
The holidays are over, but the chilly winter weather is still going strong. Sledding, skating and snowmen are among the most enjoyable winter hobbies. While winter can bring grins, the frigid temps tend to trigger mouth problems. Much like a snowflake, each person’s set of … [Read more...]
The Perfect Mouthwash for a Minty Midnight Mouth
Are you ready to ring in the New Year with a smooch from your sweetie? Routine brushing and flossing are essential to a minty mouth. But if you’re looking for that extra pop of minty freshness, consider a mouthwash. There are dozens of mouthwashes on the market, all made to … [Read more...]