Kids aren’t the easiest to convince that toothbrush time is fun. Often times, nighttime brushing involves tears and angry children. If this sounds like your household at night, there are ways to get around the fight.
As tiring as it is, it’s important for parents not to let their kids slip when it comes to tooth brushing. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that parents continue to supervise their children’s tooth-brushing process until age 12.
A few simple games can help you get your child interested and involved in brushing their teeth:
Give your child an incentive to brush quickly and thoroughly.
Promise your children they can watch their favorite TV show after they brush their teeth. Or better yet (and if you don’t have new carpet), sit on the floor with your child’s head in your lap in front of the TV to brush his or her teeth. Use a small amount of paste to avoid a mess.
Brush to music.
A song can last between two to three minutes or longer. Brush to the action of the music and throw in a couple of hip wiggles too.
Give your child an electric toothbrush.
Kids love gadgets and many electric toothbrushes have timing mechanisms so your child can time how long they brush.
There’s an app for that.
Of course there is! Try an app that specifically focuses on making tooth-brushing fun like Brush DJ, which plays two minutes of music from your library while you race against time. Star Teeth allows your child to choose a character or tooth brushing buddy each morning to brush along with for two minutes. A timer or music can also be used to add to the fun.
Count aloud as you brush.
“Tooth number one is all clean! Tooth number two is clean! Here comes tooth number three!” It’s entertaining for your child, plus a great way to practice counting.
In addition to making brushing fun, learning about the importance of good oral health can be fun too! On Sunday, February 23, 2014, Delta Dental of New Jersey will be co-sponsoring, along with Rutgers New Jersey Dental School and Hudson County Dental Society, a free Children’s Dental Health Awareness Day at Liberty Science Center from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.. There will be fun-filled games and activities for kids and families.