The Delta Dental of New Jersey Foundation funds several community health centers and clinics that provide dental care for uninsured children. A top funding priority of our Foundation is supporting programs that educate and treat children in need of dental care. In honor of … [Read more...]
Foundation Grantee Spotlight – JFK Medical Center
Years of neglect can take its toll on your health. No one knows that better than Devang Modi, D.M.D., director of the dental clinic at John F. Kennedy (JFK) Medical Center. He has seen countless patients come through the clinic doors who haven’t seen a dentist in many years, … [Read more...]
Make Brushing Fun!
Kids aren’t the easiest to convince that toothbrush time is fun. Often times, nighttime brushing involves tears and angry children. If this sounds like your household at night, there are ways to get around the fight. As tiring as it is, it’s important for parents not to let … [Read more...]
Individual Dental Insurance in New Jersey
People with dental insurance are more likely to visit the dentist and can catch dental problems before they are severe. If you've always wanted dental insurance but do not have coverage through your employer, Delta Dental of New Jersey now offers affordable individual dental … [Read more...]