From the Office of the Surgeon General to the World Health Organization, health leaders around the globe recognize the connection between good oral health and good overall health. Now, DentalCentral makes it easier for everyone to make that connection.
DentalCentral is our one-stop destination on the web where you can quickly access articles, videos, and other resources to help manage your and your family’s oral health.
DentalCentral is more than just convenient. It’s also a resource that you can trust for information about oral health. A recent Google search of “kids and cavities” delivered more than 3.7 million results. It’s up to the user to figure out which of those millions of sources are accurate and reliable, and that’s not always easy. When you use DentalCentral, you can be assured that the information has been thoroughly vetted and reviewed by Delta Dental’s dental experts.
Using DentalCentral is like taking the express train instead of the local. It gets you to where you want to go faster and without hassle. Plus, the ride is free!
Check out DentalCentral today!