Destroy. Bad. Worst. Decay. These were the words splashed across the Google results page after we searched, “sports drinks and teeth.”
But are sports drinks really the villain?
Though it’s true they can harm your teeth, the same is true of your habits. When it comes to sports drinks, don’t be a sore loser. Stop blaming the beverage and take responsibility for your smile. A few mistakes we all may be making:
• Assuming They’re For You
Intensity is everything. If you’re an athlete or partake in prolonged physical activity, you’ll benefit from swigging a sports drink. Intense sweat sessions deplete your body’s resources and overall energy. Sports drinks fight fatigue and supercharge stamina with electrolytes and carbohydrates.
Remember — water is (almost) always the winner. Walking on the treadmill may not warrant a sports drink. Unsure of which beverage is best for your athletic activity? Use this guide to determine your drink destiny.
• Consuming Them Wrong
While it’s true sugared drinks can cause cavities, how and when you drink makes a huge difference. Make sure to take a swig of water after sipping on sports drinks. The water helps to wash away plaque-causing bacteria. You can also try drinking with a straw to minimize teeth contact.
• Abusing Them
If you are constantly snacking on sweets or sipping a sweet beverage, your teeth are exposed to acid all day long. When sugar sits on your teeth for long periods of time, you’re destined for decay.
As with everything, moderation is key. Sip sports drinks occasionally and brush 30 minutes after consumption. Keep water on your starting line-up and sports drinks on the sidelines.