You can find almost anything on the Internet these days. But how do you know whether what you’re reading is fact—or fiction? Let’s set the record straight about some common dental myths.
Myth #1: There’s no need to brush your baby’s teeth.
Fact: Baby teeth hold the place for our permanent teeth.
Myth #2: Bad breath means you’re not brushing correctly.
Fact: Bad breath doesn’t always originate in our mouth. Bad breath comes from three places: our mouth, our nose and our stomach.
Myth #3: Brushing causes gums to bleed.
Fact: Bleeding gums are a sign of periodontal disease. Visit your dentist.
Myth #4: Aspirin on a tooth helps with the pain of a toothache.
Fact: Aspirin is an acid that can harm our teeth. Do not put aspirin directly on a tooth.
Myth #5: Only sugar is bad for your teeth.
Fact: Acidic drinks and foods can cause damage to our teeth.
For more information about these 5 dental myths, watch our Dental Connections video.