Your teeth have been killing you so you head to the dentist to investigate the pain. After your appointment, your dentist gives you the news – you have an infected tooth. At this point, it’s safe to say you’re not jumping for joy. Your dentist will likely give you two … [Read more...]
Dental Benefit Categories and Coverage Levels
Many dental plans offer 3 classes or categories of coverage. Each class provides specific types of treatment and typically covers those treatments at a certain percentage. Each class also specifies limitations and exclusions. Reimbursement levels vary from plan to plan, so be … [Read more...]
5 Dental Myths Debunked
You can find almost anything on the Internet these days. But how do you know whether what you’re reading is fact—or fiction? Let’s set the record straight about some common dental myths. Myth #1: There’s no need to brush your baby’s teeth. Fact: Baby teeth hold the place for … [Read more...]