Starbucks offers more than 80,000 drink options — And that’s just one store chain! From coffee shops to supermarkets, thousands of beverage choices surround us everyday. There’s a drink for every time and occasion.
It’s no surprise then that we struggle to choose the best beverage – one that pleases our palates and nourishes our bodies.
A drink’s color is one of the many ways to decipher a tooth-healthy beverage.
Dark drinks, for example, can stain teeth, dulling your pearly whites. The force is strong in lighter-colored beverages. You must unlearn what you have learned, and we have found some better options for your smile:
Breakfast Beverage
The Dark Side: Coffee
The Force: Milk
Many of us start the day with a steaming cup of joe. One serving may be harmless, but think twice before you fill your mug again. Over time, this dark beverage can seep into your teeth’s enamel cracks and cause discoloration.
Forego your second cup for a chilled glass of milk. The calcium found in milk helps put back minerals your teeth may have lost due to other foods (or from your first coffee).
Workout Drink
The Dark Side: Sports Drinks
The Force: Water
Most popular sports drinks are high in sugar and acid. That combination can wreak havoc on your smile. Why not stick to the original athlete’s ale?
Water quenches your thirst and is crystal clear of the harmful stuff. Depending on an activity’s intensity, workout drinks can be beneficial to some athletes. Dilute your sports drink with water for a tooth-healthy compromise.
Lunch Soda
The Dark Side: Cola
The Force: Sparkling water
Sugar isn’t the only factor that makes dark sodas dangerous. Brown-colored colas contain chromogenic agents, chemicals that can cause tooth discoloration.
Fancify your fountain drink! Sparkling water mimics the carbonation in soda – without the sugar. Add lemon or lime wedges for a kick of citrus.
Happy Hour Cocktail
The Dark Side: Red wine
The Force: Champagne
Although red wine may benefit heart health, it’s not your smile’s first sip choice. The tannins in red wine dry out the mouth and make teeth sticky, worsening stains. If you must indulge in a merlot, swap sips with cheese. The chewing stimulates saliva, which neutralizes the wine’s acidity. So, if you decide to host a wine night, make sure you add cheese to the guest list.
Make every happy hour a celebration with a glass of champagne. Sparkling wines tend to have the lowest pH levels out of other spirit selections. Remember to pop a glass, not the whole bottle.
The darkness of your drink isn’t the only factor to consider. Sugar and acidity matter too! And, just because it’s dark, doesn’t mean you need to avoid it completely. Enjoy your favorite colored beverages in moderation. After all, everyone has a dark side.